发布时间:2015-06-05    阅读次数:420


沙龙时间:20156月8日星期一 1330—15:00


沙龙主题:Planning law, problems of non-compliance and enforcement: Is China unique?

沙龙主讲人:Rachelle Alterman

沙龙主持人:田莉 教授

互动嘉宾:耿慧志 教授



Professor Rachelle Alterman of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is the Founding President of the International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights and an Honorary Member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (the 5th person thus honored and the only non-European). With degrees in planning and in law from Canadian and Israeli universities, Dr. Alterman specialized in cross-national comparative analysis of the relationship between planning law, land use regulations, property rights and planning practice. She has published 8 international books, over 100 academic papers, and has been invited to speak at conferences and seminars in over 30 countries. Alterman is a member of the editorial boards of leading international academic journals and has been a visiting professor at major American and Dutch universities and a Research Fellow in Japan. She has shared her knowledge with UN-Habitat, the OECD, the World Bank, the Israeli Parliament and a variety of other public bodies and NGOs.


Rachelle Alterman 教授是以色列理工学院 规划、法律、产权国际学术协会的创始主席,同时也是欧洲规划院校联合会唯一一名外籍荣誉会员。Alterman 教授毕业于加拿大和以色列的著名高校,致力于规划法律、土地使用法规、产权和规划实践方面的国际比较研究。已经出版书籍8部、学术论文百余篇,在30余个国家发表讲演。Alterman 教授是国际学术期刊编委会成员,同时是美国主要高校、荷兰的客座教授,在日本曾经担任研究员。她与联合国人居署,经合组织,世界银行,以色列议会和各种各样的公共机构和非政府组织分享研究成果。



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