发布时间:2015-11-25    阅读次数:403

The ecological city and sustainable urban development

–Opportunities and challenges





时间:2015年11月25日 (星期三)18:30--20:10



主讲人:Prof. Dr. BernhardMüller


BernhardMüller先生在美因茨大学获得了地理学博士学位,并在汉诺威大学获得城市与区域规划发展方向的特许任教资格,同时他还被斯洛伐克技术大学授予荣誉博士学位。Bernhard Müller先生的主要研究方向为城市可持续发展以及城市与区域韧性。
Bernhard Müller曾是莱布尼茨协会副主席。莱布尼茨协会是德国学术界最重要的非高校领域研究组织。他是萨克森科学院院士、德国空间研究与规划研究院成员以及塞尔维亚工程科学院院士。他担任了数项欧洲研究项目的评审人,也曾是德国联邦区域政策与规划顾问委员会委员和萨克森省环境研究委员会委员,目前是人居III第6政策单元:“城市空间战略:土地市场与隔离”的成员。


BernhardMüller is the Director of the Dresden-based Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urbanand Regional Development (IOER) and Professor for Spatial Development at theTechnische Universität Dresden. He is also initiator and head of the ManagingBoard of the internationally oriented Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS)which deals with issüs of sustainable urban and regional development. BernhardMüller has a doctoral degree in Geography from the Universityof Mainz, and completed his habilitation in urban and regional planning anddevelopment at the University of Hanover. He received an honorary doctoraldegree from the Slovak University of Technology. His professional interests arein sustainable development as well as urban and regional resilience.

Bernhard Müller was a Vice Presidentof the Leibniz Association, one of the ma
jor non-university researchorganisations in Germany. He is a member of the German Academy of Science andEngineering (acatech), the Saxonian Academy of Sciences, and the German Academyfor Spatial Research and Planning (ARL). He is also an international member of theSerbian Academy of Engineering Sciences.
He has been workingas an evaluator for several European research programs. He was a member of theAdvisory Council for Regional Policy and Planning of the Federal Republic ofGermany, and of the Environmental Research Council of the State of Saxony.Currently, he is a member of Policy Unit No. 6 on “Urban Spatial Strategies: Land Market and Segregation“ for Habitat III (Quito 2016).



始于1970年代的生态城市概念在全球范围内正变得越来越流行。库里蒂巴、波特兰、温哥华、弗莱堡、奥斯陆、哥本哈根、松岛和马斯达尔等许多城市已经建立了各种方法用以展示如何以更可持续的方式促进城市发展。最近,能源、交通、供水、废物管理和建设等领域的智能解决方案已被整合到生态城市概念之中。 同时协同规划和跨部门开发已经被公认为是可韧性与可持续城市发展的关键要素。

在这样的背景下,本报告主要关注以下几个方面:(1)生态城市的概念和国际上近期热议的一些重大问题;(2)生态城市概念中智慧解决方案的作用; (3)生态城市对城市韧性与可持续性发展的贡献;4)跨部门协同规划与开发的作用;(5)生态城市及其对城市韧性与可持续性发展贡献的前景。




Theconcept of the ecological city is becoming increasingly popular worldwide.Starting from ideas which were developed since the early 1970s, many cities,such as Curitiba, Portland, Vancouver, Freiburg, Kopenhagen, Oslo, Songdo orMasdar, have established a variety of different approaches and showcases of howto foster urban development in a more sustainable way. Recently, smartsolutions in sectors such as energy, transportation, water provision, wastemanagement and construction have been integrated into concepts about theecological city. Also integrated planning and cross-sectorial development havebecome acknowledged as key elements of resilient and sustainable urbandevelopment.

On thisbackground, the presentation will focus on the following aspects: (1) theconcept of the ecological city and major issues of the recent internationaldebate; (2) the role of smart solutions in concepts about the ecological city;(3) contributions of the ecological city to resilient and sustainable urbandevelopment; (4) the role of integrated cross-sectoral planning anddevelopment; (5) perspectives of the ecological city and its contributions toresilient and sustainable urban development. The presentation will take upresults of the Leverhulme International Network on Ecocities (Tomorrow’s CityToday – An International Comparison of Eco-City Frameworks). References toGerman and Chinese examples are made.


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