“Redeveloping the world trade center site after 9/11”
时间:2017年03月21日 (星期二)下午 18:30
地点:同济大学四平路校区 北楼301
主讲人:Prof. LynneB. Sagalyn
主持人:吴志强 教授
Prof. Lynne B. Sagalyn 是哥伦比亚大学商学院房地产专业Earle W. Kazis and Benjamin荣誉教授,Paul Milstein 房地产中心的创始人,她曾在哥大商学院执教二十余年,并成立了知名的房地产MBA项目。作为房地产与金融领域的专家,她在城市发展方面的研究享有国际声誉。她的著作主要有《归零地的力量:曼哈顿下城区的政治、金钱与重塑》,《时代广场:重塑城市地标》等。
Anexpert in real estate development and finance, Sagalyn has publishedextensively and is widely known for her research on urban redevelopment. Hermost recent book, Power at Ground Zero:Politics, Money, and the Remaking of Lower Manhattan (Oxford UniversityPress, 2016), has received continuous praise and is regarded as the definitiveaccount of the rebuilding challenge. She is also the author of Times SquareRoulette: Remaking the City Icon (MIT Press, 2001), and co-author of Downtown, Inc.: How America Rebuilds Cities (MITPress, 1989).
Professor Sagalyn serves as a director of UDR (NYSE: UDR), where sheis vice-chairman; Blackstone Mortgage Trust (NYSE: BXMT), where she chairs theaudit committee; and on the Advisory Board of PRIME, a Morgan Stanley realestate fund. In the not-for-profit realm, she serves on the board of directorsof the Regional Plan Association, the Skyscraper Museum, and the audit andcompliance committee of Planned Parenthood New York City.
ProfessorSagalyn received her Ph.D. from the M.I.T., M.C.R.P. from Rutgers University,and B.S. with distinction from Cornell University. She was also on the facultyof the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at M.I.T. and the University ofPennsylvania’s Wharton School and School of Design.
The 9/11 Attack
Rebuilding the Site
Planning Process
Controversy and Conflict
Accommodating the Twin Mandates
New Place