发布时间:2017-05-18    阅读次数:2606





时间:2017年5月23日 (星期二)下午 18:30

地点:同济大学四平路校区 北楼301

主讲人:Jürgen H. Breuste 教授

开场致辞:杨贵庆 教授

主持人:干 靓 讲师



     Jürgen H. Breuste教授是奥地利萨尔斯堡大学地理学语城市生态学教授,他在德国哈勒-维腾贝格大学学习地理学并在1982年和1986年分别获得两个博士学位,曾在德国哈雷大学、格赖夫斯瓦尔德大学、德累斯顿大学和莱比锡大学担任地理学、地理生态学以及城市生态学讲师,并担任莱比锡/哈雷大学城市景观环境研究中心主任长达10年。目前担任北京首都师范大学荣誉教授、上海华东师范大学城市生态学教授,担任国际城市生态学学会主席等学术职务。他曾在多项欧盟和其他国际合作的城市生态和城市发展研究项目中担任项目负责人,在城市生态系统研究、自然保护和城市开发建模方向出版了数本专著。

Prof.Jürgen Breuste held a professorshipfor Geography/Urban Ecology at Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg (Austria) (born1956). He studied geography at Martin-Luther University Halle/Wittenberg fromwhere he got his PhD 1982 and his second graduation 1986. He was universitylecturer for geography, geo-ecology and urban ecology at the Germanuniversities in Halle, Greifswald, Dresden and Leipzig and headed of departmentUrban Landscape at the Environmental Research Centre Leipzig/Halle for 10 yearsbefore his actual position in 2001. There he is Honorary Professor of CapitalNormal University Beijing, China, full professor for urban ecology of EastChina Normal University Shanghai, and member of several scientific boards andpresident of the International Society of Urban Ecology (SURE). He has worked asproject leader in a number of research projects on urban ecology and urban developmentat EU level and in other international cooperation. He is specified in urbanecosystem research, nature protection and modelling of urban development bynumerous publications.



"Benefits from nature in growing cities"


Jürgen Breuste, Univ. Salzburg, ECNU Shanghai


The study is based on general available knowledge on urban green functions and on example studies especially in Central Europe, but also in China. This allows qualifying different urban green space types by its internal structure of vegetation, size, shape and location in relation to at least a semi-quantitative scaling of its urban ecosystem services under different cultural circumstances. The evaluated urban green spaces are street trees, neighborhood parks, district parks, city parks, urban forests and allotment gardens. The assessed urban ecosystem services are provisioning(配置), regulating, supporting and cultural services. Evaluation and application methods are tested for its adaptability to the task of evaluation of urban ecosystem services on the local level for urban green spaces. The actual urban challenges, land use change, adaptation to climate change, demographic(人口) change and cultural diversity demand a systematic evaluation of urban ecosystem services with constant monitoring. A new planning paradigm(范例) related to urban ecosystem services is urgently needed to develop and to implement.     


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