发布时间:2016-08-31    阅读次数:1411

Welcome to ICC 2016!

The International Conference on Intelligent Cloud Computing [ICC 2016] is an annual leading conference of intelligent cloud computing for all researchers home and abroad. Along with the exciting exhibition, ICC 2016 will be held in Wuhan, China,during December 17th-18th, 2016. On behalf of the organizing committee, we'd like to send our cordial invitation to all distinguished scholars and engineers.

With the rapid development of intelligent cloud computing, researchers in all fields begin to discuss some new ideas connected with intelligent cloud computing. ICC 2016 will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers, scholars and some scientists to exchange their ideas face to face together. The conference attracts participants in a diverse range of fields, including Intelligent Cloud Computing and some other related ones.

Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province in central China, is situated on Jianghan Plain, a river-crossed fertile land created by the Hanjiang River joining the Yangtze River. This is a routine port for a Yangtze River cruise. Divided by the Yangtze, the city is known as the 'Three Towns of Wuhan' with Hankou and Hanyang on the west bank, and Wuchang on the east.

  • Submission Deadline

    October, 19th, 2016

  • Acceptance Notification

    2-5 weeks after submission

  • Registration Deadline

    October, 30th, 2016

  • Conference Date

    December, 17th-18th, 2016

Publication Guidelines:

All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.
All accepted paper by ICC2016 will be published by EDP Sciences on ITM Web of Conferences(ISSN: 2271-2097) and submit to EI and CPCI database for indexing.
After the conference, excellent papers would be selected and recommended to EI or SCI journals.
1.Paper Submission Deadline: October 19th, 2016 
2.All papers should be written in English and submitted via Email:icc2016@vip.163.com.
3.Note:Please provide reliable contact information in the email text, including address, telephone, email etc.
4.All submissions must not be less than 6 pages in length. If your paper exceeds 8 pages in length, you need to pay for the additional pages. 
5.Authors can refer to the following guidelines to prepare their papers - EDP Template.doc


In Chinese(中国作者投稿指南) 

3.请在截稿日期前将您论文的WORD和PDF两个版本提交至会议邮箱: icc2016@vip.163.com。 
4.投稿时,请在邮件主题中标明“投稿”字样,并在邮件正文里留下您的有效联系方式(包含:地址,电话,邮箱等) 。
6.模板 EDP Template.doc


ICC2016会议信息已同步发布在学术会议云: http://tempuri.org/tempuri.html




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