汉德资本 蔡洪平 先生 AGIC Mr. Henry Cai
发布时间:2015-12-09    阅读次数:4288








Henry Cai

     Mr. Henry Cai  left Deutsche Bank Asia Pacific as Executive Chairman of Corporate Finance in February 2015. Mr. Cai is one of the pioneers in China’s H-share listing and is widely respected as “The Godfather of Overseas Listing of China’s Non-State Owned Enterprises”.

     An estimated 60% of China’s non-state owned enterprises were advised by Mr. Cai in their overseas listing, with quite a few of the business owners becoming China’s richest man. Mr. Cai is thus honored as the “Creator of China’s Richest Men”.

     Mr. Cai started his investment banking career after assuming senior management roles in one of China’’s major industrial conglomerates, and has been since leading many capital market deals in industrial sectors. Through such unique experience, Mr. Cai has gained superior insights in Industry 4.0 trend and has been a firm advocate of China fully embracing Industry 4.0 opportunities.

With over twenty years’ leadership role in major European investment banks, especially with Deutsche Bank, Mr. Cai has unique expertise regarding how to best promote win-win cooperation between Chinese and foreign companies. Mr. Cai played critical roles in many important overseas M&A deals, such as Minmetel’s USD5.5 billion acquisition of Peru mining asset, etc.

     As a rainmaker with over twenty years successful career on Wall Street, Mr. Cai has a sophisticated mastering of the global capital market as well as business essence. Under his leadership, AGIC is well positioned to achieve sound returns while at the same time promoting China’s Industry 4.0 upgrade.

     Mr. Cai graduated from Fudan University.


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